Saturday, 30 August 2014

Name our mascot

We would like to introduce our Year 3 mascot! At present our striped friend has no name. Can you think of one? 

Look closely and think of imaginative words and phrases to describe the mascot. What kind of animal is it? Is it a boy or girl? Will the mascot have a nickname, like the 'caped crusader'?

Once we have picked the top five names, there will be an online poll to decide the winner.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Welcome to the Year 3 blog

The Year 3 team

We are all really excited to have our Year group blog up and running. Now we can begin to share all the exciting things that happen in our world! All the Year 3 team (Miss Lewis, Miss Scott, Miss Diss and Mr Highman) are really looking forward to reading your comments and sharing all our ideas and work online. So ...

Ready, Steady, BLOG!