Blogging rules

An important notice about e-safety

Here are a few simple guidelines to help us make the most of our blog:

  • Children must only use their first name when commenting. Anonymous comments will not be published.
  • Parents who leave comments are asked to use their first name only so as not to identify their child. Alternatively, please post comments as 'Daisy's mum' or 'Andrew's grandfather'. 
  • All posts will be checked by the Year 3 team before they are published on the blog. So remember - what is inappropriate in class will be inappropriate for our blog.
  • Always respect other people's work - be positive when commenting.
  • No text talk - comments should be written in full sentences and remember to read your comments back carefully before submitting them.
  • Everyone in Year 3 must stick to these guidelines.


  1. I think it is inportant because you might have a vires and then your computer or iPad or phone might not work anymore.

    1. This is how to spell virus virus
