Wednesday 28 January 2015

Roman numerals - Part 2

Attention bloggers, solve these problems and then blog your answer in both Roman numerals and Arabic numbers.

Bonam fortunam Anno III

A royal riddle

The Empress Helena Constantia had 20 gold coins. She had to pay the four legions of her Praetorian Guard, so Helena put the the coins in four separate piles.

The first pile had four more coins than the second.
The second pile had one less coin than the third.
The fourth pile had twice as many coins as the second.

How many gold coins did Helena put in each pile?

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Home sweet home

What is a Roman villa and who would have lived there?
What can find out about the different rooms in a Roman villa?

Monday 26 January 2015

Alone in the forest

The light was fading, creating new shadows and dark patches around me. Eyes glimmered from tree hollows. The wind wailed between distorted trunks, carrying the sickly stench of rotten wood. I moved faster, ignoring the twigs that caught on my clothes and the damp leaves that stuck to my skin. Then in the distance I heard a wolf howl ...

Now continue the story!

Saturday 24 January 2015

Roman numerals

How can you solve these problems and what are the answers?

Monday 19 January 2015

The howling

Wolves are wild animals that live in groups called packs. They work together to hunt, raise their young and protect their territory. When a wolf howls it is sending other wolves a message. It might mean "I'm here, where are you?" or "Stay away from my territory!"

Why do you think the wolf in Romulus and Remus looked after the boys?
What would it be like living with wolves in a forest?

Saturday 17 January 2015

Revolting Romans

Answer the questions about the diet of the Ancient Romans. 
Then find out everything you can about what the Ancient Romans ate.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

The Empire Strikes Back

Can you spot which countries the Roman Empire conquered and ruled? 
Then write the modern names of these countries.

Monday 12 January 2015

Attention citizens

Three Roman citizens ate a total of 25 olives. Each of them ate a different odd number of olives.
How many olives did each citizen eat? 
Find as many ways as possible to solve the problem.

Sunday 11 January 2015

What a drip!

Dripping tap, rain on water, calm river, rapids, sea
First, think about what you can hear and how the different sounds make you feel.
Then, write about what the sounds remind you of.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Artists in Residence: Part 3

This is the last in the series of flower works by a trio of artists from Year 3. The paintings have certainly made quite an impression on everybody in the school. They have brought sunshine, colour and joy to all who pass them. Well done all three of you!

Sunday 4 January 2015

Founding fathers?

A myth is a made-up story that explains the origins of things in our world, such as where thunder comes from or why snow falls from the sky. Romulus and Remus is a legend about how the city of Rome was first created.

Who do you think Romulus and Remus might have been?

What do you think happened in the story and how do you think they helped create the city of Rome?

Saturday 3 January 2015

Uncover Rome

Our topic this term is Ancient Rome. Complete the word search below and blog the meaning for as many of the words as possible.

Friday 2 January 2015

Ancient Rome

Next term we will be learning about Ancient Rome. 
What do you already know about Ancient Rome and what facts can you find out about it?