Wednesday 24 September 2014

That's torn it!

Miss Scott cut out rectangles from one centimetre squared paper.
She then counted how many squares the shapes took up. After this she tore a piece out of some of their shapes to make a puzzle for you to solve.

Can you work out how many squares there were in these shapes before the bit was torn out? 

(The orange, blue, green and yellow shapes were rectangles. The bottom two shapes, which are pale orange and purple, were each two rectangles joined together.)


  1. I think that the green one has 5 lines for everyone.

    1. How many squares would the green rectangle have before a piece was torn off Abdi?

  2. I think there were 20.

    1. Do you mean 20 squares Lamine and which shape are you talking about?

  3. The first orange shape has 15 squares and the purple has 18 squares also the blue one has 32 squares.

  4. The top orange shape has fifteen squares and the top blue shape has 30 squares the middle green shape has fifteen squares also the yellow shape in the middle has 30 squares the bottom orange shape has 22 squares the purple has eighteen squares.

    1. How did you figure out that did you count them

    2. Well done, Shahayla, for posting your answers. That's a good question, Issac, how did you work out your answers, Shahayla?

  5. The top orang shape has 15 sides.
    The top blue shape has 32 sides.
    The midle green shape has 7 sides.
    The midle yelo shape has 29 sides.
    The botom orang shape has 21 sides.
    The botom perple shape has 22. Sides.

    1. A very detailed answer Nathan, well done. I think you mean squares not sides. Is he correct Year3?

    2. Maya from year4!October 07, 2014 2:56 pm

      If I had a shape with 20 squares and I took away 5 of than how many squares would I have.

    3. Can anyone answer Maya's question?

  6. the green shape that was rip has 20 sides
    the bottom orang shape has 21 sides
    the middle yellow shape has 29
    the purple shape has 22

  7. The first shape has 16 square. The second shape has 32 square. The third has 15 square. The four shape has 30.The five shape has 21.The six shape has 16 square.

  8. Maya and Maria from year 4!October 07, 2014 2:52 pm

    The first one has 15 squares I used my 5 times table for that.
    The second one has 32 squares I used my 8 times table for that.
    The third one has 15 I used my 3 times table for that.
    The forth one has 30 squares I used my 6 times table for that

  9. Catarina and amiraOctober 07, 2014 2:53 pm

    The first shape has 3 lines of 5. It has 15 squares. There are 32 squares on the second shape.ther are 15 scutes on the green shape. There are 30 squares on the yellow shape.there are 21 on the Orange the purple shape there are 18 cubes.

  10. There are 15 square on the green shape and the first shape has 16 squares and the second square has 32 squares and the third shap has 15 squares
