Monday, 29 September 2014

Artists in Residence: Part 1

Well done to this Year 3 student who has had her painting printed and permanently displayed at school. The school office has been busy taking calls from curators at Tate Modern and the National Gallery!


  1. I like your work very much

  2. Christians year4blueOctober 07, 2014 2:45 pm

    Well done your painting is very good I like what patorns that you put in the vase it is really good.😀

    1. Great comment Christyana and thank you for coming back to the Year 3 blog. I wonder how this student managed to paint those patterns on the vase ...

  3. Christyana 4blueOctober 07, 2014 2:51 pm

    Well done you have done well for your age what I really like the best is the couloir of the vase.😀

  4. Christyana 4blueOctober 07, 2014 2:54 pm

    Well done you have done well in your painting,what I realy like the best is the couloir of the vase.also I like how you shaped out the flowers.

  5. Do you have the real one at home.
    If you do that will be your dreams.

  6. Well done you did very well it is brileant and artistic my friend I love how you done the flower strokes. I cannot believe my eyes it is so brileant

  7. I am proud of my best friend she has don't very well

  8. Well done you did really well in your painting.
