Wednesday 27 May 2015

Blogging club - Part 1

First video on blogging from the Blogging Club. I think the background noise is too loud. Also, some of you really need to practice speaking louder. We may need to reshoot!

Sunday 24 May 2015

The witching hour ...

What do you think is about to happen in this sleepy suburban town, high up in the night sky above the clock tower, when all are safely tucked up in bed? 

Monday 18 May 2015

London Zoo the movie - coming to a blog near you

What were your favourite moments from our trip to London Zoo?
Was it dancing in the rain, fluttering with the butterflies, strutting with the peacocks or swinging with the monkeys? 

Sunday 17 May 2015

Along the corridor and up the stairs

Can you find the answer before Harry does? 
What patterns can you see that could help you work it out? 

Remember coordinates have 2 numbers; the first number is the 'x' axis which means the number at the bottom and the second number is the 'y' axis which means the number along the side. 

Saturday 16 May 2015

The dream ...

1. What does it feel like being trapped in a cage, with hundreds of animals staring at you and taking pictures?
2. How do you feel about the animals who trapped you in a cage at the zoo?
3. When you woke up from your dream, did your feelings about the animals and zoos change?

What other questions would you ask the character to find out about how he felt trapped in the cage?

Friday 15 May 2015

Musical chairs - Part 6

The last in our series showcasing the Year 3 guitarists.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Roles reversed!

 We have been thinking about how animals feel while they are trapped in cages in the zoo. What would happen if the roles were reversed and it was humans in the cage?!
How do the animals feel in this image?
How might the people feel?

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Trapped in the zoo!

It was the end of a fantastic day visiting London Zoo. On my way to the exit, I saw a brightly coloured bird swoop past me. So I went to investigate. I followed him, running as fast as my feet would carry me, over a wobbly bridge. By now it had grown dark, very dark and there were no people left in the zoo. I was completely on my own! Then, I began to hear some strange noises ...

Continue the story below.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Feeding time at the zoo

Year 3 bought a picnic lunch of muffins, pizza, apples, oranges and juice for the family in the story zoo. Can you answer these questions:

1. The mum and two boys share equally the three healthy foods at the picnic (the apples, oranges and juice). How many of each will they get?

2. The whole family, mum. dad and the two boys will share equally the muffins and the pizza
How many of each will they get?

Saturday 9 May 2015

Musical chairs - Part 5

Sir George Martin is pleased to be working with his latest protégé ...

Thursday 7 May 2015

What should happen to the orangutan?

Do you agree with the businessman who wants to spend money improving the life of the orangutan in the zoo? He will paint the walls, make sure the cage is cleaned regularly and buy another orangutan as a friend.
Do you agree with the bearded man who wants to take the orangutan out of the zoo and set him free in the rainforest of Borneo?

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Trouble at the Zoo

We acted out a scene from Zoo by Anthony Browne.
The people around the family are trying to look at the orangutan.
What are each of the characters thinking? 
How do you think they feel?

Monday 4 May 2015

Pizza Fractions

Can you write the fraction of each pizza?
What would happen if I had 24 pieces of pizza and I gave 12 away, what fraction would I have left?