Thursday 5 February 2015

Whose tile is it anyway?

What do you remember about our trip to Southwark Cathedral?
Click on the photo to view the Flickr album.


  1. Mosaics are so easy and fun when I went I didn't won't to leav becous it was fun

  2. We made our mosaic in we get copy the one from the picture we did copy the every thing from the picture

  3. we was touching the floor.

  4. We had to tuch the floor

  5. I rember when we got to make the mothlak's it was butyfle

  6. We went there to make mosaics.

  7. The tile is from the roman times it is very old because the Romans lived many years ago we even got to touch the old Roman tile then we got to touch it we made our one but we had to copy a paper and we even had to get it right on the second go because the first one was without the glue the second one was with the glue.

  8. We saw statues of Jesus. we saw patterns on the floor. We also learnt that there was a roman road going under the cathedral.

  9. I remember that to get to southward cathedral we had th take the 35 to southward and we walked the rest we went through boughmarket and we saw so much stuff like food and all kinds of food.when we got to southward It was in the middle of a service then a laddie assorted us to a room that had loads of activates we made a print out of a mosaic then we put mosaics together we learnt that most mosaics were made out of a special type of tile then then we got a pice of block and we put the tiles on the block in a spastic order then we put it into a proper mosaic we had an other team then we changed up each other's mosaic and we took them to school an we to the 35 back to school.

    1. Well remembered Sahayla! what did you learn about the building?

  10. I remember when we saw the boat it looked like the boat we saw when we when to borrow market . I bet Edem remembered .

    1. I did queen Elizbeth the first did not look nice

  11. I enjoyed going to the southwark mosaics because we made mosaics and puzzled them together and we ate lunch their.We didn't like the sparkly water it tasted like something sparkly and we getted to take our mosaics to school.

    1. Oh yes! The sparkling water, which sprayed all over us and the floor!

  12. What a lovely picture

  13. I liked when we saw those pictures they where amazing we saw Zeus we also made some thing's to be cont

  14. I remember tochng the mosaics it was so was smooth it was olden days so it need tobe clen but mosaics are the funes things.

  15. I remember that when we touch the mosaic it had a lovely paten on it.It was very old and very dirty it it was nice to acholy touch some thing from the roman time it was cool.

  16. I remember seeing the roman road.I remember making beautiful mosaics.

  17. I remember that there was a 200 year old mosaic on the floor

  18. I remember when we went Southwark cathedral it was very fun but when we was at Southwark cathedral we had to eat our pack lunch and some people who needed to go toilet they went toilet before the lesson stars then some people went to take pictures with Mr high man after we took pictures with Mr high man we had to sit and listen to the teacher what we are going to do and we was in to big groups and the lady put a border at every each table and the woman told us to look on the paper what you are going to copy but put it on the border but this was just a practise and we put the stones on the border and when we was finish we had to put them in different shapes then when we where finish the lady called are number and we gave the stone to here when we where finish we moved on to do the reel one it wasn't a practice and there was a sheet in front of us then we followed the paper that was in front of us and made it on the table first and when we was finished we the lady came around and gave out the borders and we just stick it onto the border and when we was finished we had to get are coats and bags and we went back to school and that is the end of Southwark cathedral I really enjoyed the trip to Southwark cathedral thank you Mr high man the end

    1. Excellent Shadequa you remembered lots from our trip, I enjoyed reading this. Did you enjoy making the mosaics?

  19. I like the it because it is fun to make.

  20. I remember in southwark cathral when we made mosaic and took pictures

  21. Ishmael and nashiyeFebruary 12, 2015 10:15 am

    I rember wen we made first we had to put it to gaver then we glue it to gave and it look like a real mosaic and I liked wen we got to stand on a 2000 year old mosaic.

  22. I remember when I made a mosaic it was very fun and I had a big sqaure and.i stuck my stone on it I love it so much I felt like I I wanted to stay there because it was so much fun making mosaic with the lady with me mr highman miss diss miss Lewis miss Scott and Margaret and Melissa and shaniquae

  23. When we got there we went into the church and sat on some chairs waiting for the teachers. The teachers came and we got uP.we went into a room on our way we met a lady. She said hi to us all she also led us to a room.I remember seeing a display say romans at the side of the roman bit it said romans settled in sauthwark I was amazed to see that.then we had our lunch and then had a tour around the borough market and came back to sauthwark.We came back and the lady said that we were going to make mosaics we had to follow a pattern and put it together.

  24. we got on the bus we wear talking to the person next to us quietly becous over peopple had to go to work.becose it was a very long journy we sat dow and aet are food mr higman was triying to be fair so he sume children to taik pictuer.while the lady was talking to the rest of the class she akst the rest of the class question about roman we all new becouse it was are class project we had a go of making are own mosaics by copying a sheet becous it as new to us then we put them together but we dide,nt after we all had are own go we sticked them toegther then a lady told us to come in the hall way so we could see the mosaics put all together we wear all wating to see how the mosaics at the end it tearned out to look nice then we diid the same thing back to school like how we came the end

  25. When we got there we had to eat then we got to make something.
