Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Smokey's weekend

What would you do with Smokey, if he spent the weekend with you?


  1. If had smokey we would have ice cream and play football together and do my homework and have a fun time

  2. How was your day with smokey did you have lots of fun with smokey well done you worked hard to get this toy

  3. I hope you enjoyed being with smokey. Did you have fun?

  4. I would play with smokey I would show him were the the house what to do then have fun together

  5. I hoped you had a lovely time with smokey and you wen you went shopping with smokey was it fun yes or no but did you had a great time with smokey did you think that you were going to get smokey yes or no answer my questions ...

  6. Did you have a amazing time with smokey? What did you do with smokey

  7. Well done, great photo. I love it great team work

  8. I wish I had smokey for my birthday but is 2 months I might go to the circus. I always go there in my birthday .

  9. did You have a nice time with smoky on the weekend wot did you do at the weekend with smokey did you go to the park and
    Have some food and drink at the shop and by some icelolys at the shop with smoky and then did you Brush your teeth

  10. Abdishakur and modelieFebruary 12, 2015 10:04 am

    What a wonderful time you had but the main things are to have an adventure and explore your journeys and meet new people that would like to play like call your cousin to come over and meet smokey and introduce hike them to smokey and have fun but if your parent cares they'll play with smokey hide from smokey or even scare smokey and if you really care call your 2 cousin and play with them.

  11. It looks like smoky is having a nice time with you he looks happy would you wont to have him again. Did you have fun showing smokey around your house was you existed having him.did you have a fun day with smokey.did you have a nice time with smokey did you go to the book shop and get a book.

  12. Do you go to have fun and do you go to the funfair?

  13. If I had smoky for the weekend I will go to the libery with him go shopping go to the fireter and go to the park with him.

  14. I would play football with smoky and play games

  15. Smokey would go shopping with me . He would go to the barber shop with me

  16. I would play football with smokey I would be the goalkeeper and smokey will be the striker.

  17. If I had smokey for the weekend I will do exiting things like everyone did whith smokey at the weekend.

  18. You are should be happy to have smokey in you home.so you look like you are have so Mach fan. And you look happy with him. And I wish to have him in my home.and you go with smokey in the shop . And you rid a book with him and you smokey get to go on kompiuta

  19. somoky had a lovely time with you you did so much stuff with him well done

  20. If I spent the weekend with Smokey I will go to the cinema's with him and do my homework with him we will even eat an African food.

  21. Good job I hope next time I will have smokey 😰😰

  22. I no why they called him smokey because he is the best looking bear in the world.

  23. If i had smokey i would have fun with him i woild play on my ps3 and eat also i might go to my cousins house

  24. Did you enjoy your weekend with smokey,if I got a weekend with smokey I would have fun.

  25. I would Intrerdoos smokey to my teddy Lilly
