Monday, 8 June 2015

Flower power

If you want to be the next Carol Klein or Monty Don, you will need to know your plants inside out.

Even Mr Bloom's vegetables know the answers!

See if you can find out the answers by doing some research on the internet.


  1. Isaac and ashrafJune 11, 2015 2:39 pm

    They are plant that you can eat like carrots and there is plant that you just grow to make every where nice some plant ae healthy. If you want to help a plant grow you should put whatever plant you are going to grow and put the seeds inside the soil put I little bit of water and it will grow when you leave it out in the sun

    1. But you have not answered the question. Blogger of the month will be awarded to the first person to label all the different parts of a flower correctly.

  2. Number 1 is petals
    Number 2 is filament
    Number 3 is sepals
    Number 4 is ovary
    Number 5 is style
    Number 6 is anther

  3. These are the parts of a plant a petal carpel sepal stamens stimiga reptacle nectaries

  4. 1 is a petal
    2 is a filament
    3 is a sepal
    4 is a ovary
    5 is a style
    6 is a anther

  5. 1 is a petal
    2 is filament
    3 is a sepal
    4 is a ovary
    5 is a style
    6 is a auther

  6. Petals are like a shield to the plants but a petals main job is to attract butterflies and bees so they can go to another flower to get pollen.

  7. These are the parts of the plants petals sepals nectaries carpels stamens receptacle and stimiga those are the parts of plants

  8. Flower needs water and seeds and sun shine so it grow also soil or compost so it grows and some times you don't need compost to make a flower grow. Most of the times you don't need water you have lots of water from the rain most of the times you don't need soil some time you can use compost.An each day you water your plants but you can water them 5 time in 1 day.

    1. Mr Highman said we should write out the parts of the flower not do a sentence

  9. They need water and sun shine to make them grow as will as soil or compost some time some plants only need a little pices of water . Most of the time they need friends so it real inportant to talk to your plant it makes it grow quickly, also you must take extra care of it, and you can't give a plant to much water or sun shine because if you put To much water it will die, and if you put to much sun shine on it will be fill of dryness.

  10. The answer is petal , anther,ovary,nectary,Receptacne, filament,stigma,style,ovule,seple you will need seeds, water and sun.

  11. Plants need these things to grow well.
    A healthy plant is upright with leaves.

  12. number 1 is petal
    number 2 is filament.
    Number 3 is sepal.
    number 4 is rerepale.
    Number 5 is stigma.
    and number 6 is anther.

  13. Shadequa and jadaJune 16, 2015 11:49 am

    The answer to the question is petal,anthor,stamen,filament,stigma,ovary,ovule,nectarine,sepal that is the parts of a plant

  14. Parts of a plant
    1. Petals
    2. Sepals
    3. Nectaries
    4. Carpels
    5. Stamens
    6. Receples
    Plants need
    . Air
    . Light
    . Warmth
    . Water
    . Nutrients

  15. Number one is a petal and tow is a anther and number three is a filament

  16. Number 1is a pedal
    Number 2is a filament
    Number 3 is a sepal
    Number 5 is a stigma
    Number 6 is a anther it needs water sun

  17. 1. Petal
    2. Anther
    3. Receptacle
    5. Style

  18. Number 1 is petal
    Number 2 is filament
    Number 3 is sepal
    Number 4 is ovary
    Number 5 is style
    Number 6 is anther

  19. petals main job is to atraked tiny creatures like bees when the polom is removed the bee gives the polom to a difrent flower they both get what they want

  20. At the top of the plant there is a thing called Petal.There is a next part on the flower called Anther.There is another one called Steam. There is a last one called Filment.

  21. these are the parts of a plant is a petal anather stamen filament stimiga ovary ovule nectary and a sepal
