Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Terrible Tuesday

The evidence so far ...


  1. What did you find scary Isaac?

  2. That they might come again

  3. It was really scary I was scared

  4. It might be a prank so the can laugh at us and take pictures at us with not noticing us see them it will be so viral on YouTube Facebook or it could just true it could be scary and one of us will be taken and it could happened again

  5. I think that it was Reception because they would have slimed the class and made a fracas in that classroom! The children always make a mess!

  6. i think it was nursry because they play with slime

    1. If it was nursery they cant climb walls amy.

  7. I thought that they took all of are iPads but we were lucky they took year sixes iPads instead but I thougth some thing else that they destroyed are Nigeria pictures if they did I would be shoked I would have gone crazy

  8. When I got to school in the morning are class room was trashed and books ript up and goo was every were and. They drank some water and left the tap roning and has eaten mr high mans chocolate milo and left the book corner a mes.

  9. There were figure prints everywhere and green liquid on the table.

  10. im shocked next time they will pay of what they did to our precious classroom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. You only need to use one exclamation mark Lita.

  11. I don't like the way the person that done this to our classroom I mean how are we suppose to be teached in our classroom if our classroom is a mess I don't like the person who done this to our classroom.

  12. I am sireosy disgusted about what they did to our classroom, they treated our class like a garbage dump! Mr Highman next time close the window.

  13. There was tap running /they witten a word that said race the dog/they were trying on our hats / and they teard out mr highmams cupboard and washing up liquid all over the floor news pappers on floor / tables turned over and chairs trying on our hats and watching mr blooms nursery they witten were going to have our slime fun.

  14. when i went to class i could not believe my eyes because nobody could not have done this much mayhem but if they did they should be punished for what they have done.

  15. When I went into the classroom I felt scared that they were still in there . My heart was beating fast .

  16. Alonce emeraldJuly 14, 2015 2:25 pm

    A terrible thing has happened to year 3's classrooms they got destroyed horrible things have happened, there was lots of green slime on tthe tables.
