Monday, 20 October 2014

How sweet is your house?

In different versions of Hansel and Gretel, the house in the forest is made from different types of sweet food. In Anthony Browne’s version, the roof is made from fruit cake, the walls bread and the window panes are made from sugar.

What food would you build the house from? 

What sweets, biscuits or cakes would you use for each part of the house? 

How would you make your gingerbread house? 


  1. I could make my house out of cupcake and cream on top and a marshmallow as a bush and I can use skittles as a path so then I can find my way home and I wan't have to trie to find my way back home it will take me for ever.And then I will put a loly pop as a tree.

    1. That's a good idea, to use something bright like skittles as a path, Melissa. What about your windows and doors?

    2. Very creative Melissa!, I like your idea of using the marshmallow as a bush. What could you use as the door? what would you make the windows out of?

  2. I will make a building with chocolate house with a roof on top is a strawberry cake the windows are hard sugar with a cherry on middle for each window and when you go to a sweet house on the floor i will put skittles and there will be lot of skittles I will put them for everyone to eat!

  3. I will make it like a Turkish delight at the bottom and a icecream cone at the top and a lollipop as a antena the windows of chocolate the door haribo

    1. Sounds delicious Joel! What would you make the roof out of?

  4. Marshmelos for the windows chocolate for the house and a cone at the top strawberries at my garden muffins as we'll so it can be beautiful can it be candy chocolate.

  5. That looks like a tasty house and I like the big cone on the top.

  6. These are some great ideas but they're making me hungry! What about the rest of you, Year 3? What would your houses be made of? What about the different parts of the house?

  7. I would use chocolate for my door. candy for my garden. Strawberry jam for my windows. Jelly beans with different flavours on the path. Muffins at the side of the path. Ice cream cone for the roof and smarties on it.

    1. What type of chocolate would you use for your door, Miriam?

    2. I would use kit kat milk chocolate for my door.

  8. The strawberry. Cupcake ice cream cone and a mashmelo the lolly pop and jelly beans on the floor look delicious and yummy

  9. All those sugary foods it makes me very hungry maybe Hansel and Gretel can escape from the sugary hut because the stepmother is trying to eat Hansel and the stepmother is the witch.

    1. It's making me hungry too, David! Do you think they ate any more of the house before they escaped?

  10. I can make my house out of a pineapple and inside the windows are made out of ice cubes so it can all be shiny and we can see things that are far away like the shard

    1. What a fantastic idea, Issac! What other foods or other materials could you make the windows from so that you could see through them?

  11. Jamoya and shaniquaOctober 24, 2014 2:47 pm

    We think that the door sood be chocolate and nut

  12. I think that the house could be a skittle and a sweet and at the top it will be a ice-cream cone. AND IT WILL BE NICE THING

  13. My house would be a ice cream cone for the roof cake for the window and sausage for the door snickers for the aerial.

    1. I would make my window out of kit kat milk.

  14. My house,The window is made out of vanilla ice cream,the door will be made out of snickers,��and the family will be sitting on a sofa made out of mars.
