Thursday, 16 October 2014

A BAFTA for the Shard?

The Shard is one of six buildings to be entered in a competition for new buildings. Tonight the results of the famous RIBA Stirling Prize will be announced. 
Do you think the Shard should win the prize? What makes it such a special building?


  1. The shard is The talles in yerup but There were no ather bilding it is so big in yerup even it There are shapes in The shard there is squair in the widow and rectangle and Lines

  2. I think they must win the prize because that it is the tallest building in Europe

  3. The shard should win because it is he talles biulling in yerup and people like going in side.

  4. The shard is a sky skyscraper it's the to lest bilding in yerup it has ofices

  5. the shard is one of the tarlest bildings in eurup. the shard has 44 lifts.

  6. The shard should win because it is the tallest building in Europe and there are over 306 stair caces.

  7. The shard should win because it has 72 floors and has 11000 pans of glass and inside it has office restaurants and hotels inside.

  8. I ts beter to go ther than looking at It

  9. I think the shard should win because it took 2years to build it and nothing is better than the shard the shard is special because it has a nickmame called the shard of glass.

    1. That's right, David. Can you remember why it was nicknamed the Shard of glass?

  10. This might win the prize.I t's a special building because it was a new building so they mad the rest of the area new because of the shard
