Monday, 2 March 2015

Beady eyes

his eyes, like headlamps, glowed white, then red, then infra-red ...
The Iron Man's eyes glowed different colours at different points in the story. 
Why do you think this is and what do you think the colours mean?


  1. The iron man eyes were glowing in many diffrent part in the story

  2. When it's red it's bad and green is good

    1. But what about when they are white or blue Jamoya?

  3. The iron man glows infa red because he can be able to see at night time at the dark so he can't jump over the cliff

  4. I think that his eyes are like that because it is midnight and he can't see properly. His eyes are also like flashlights

  5. The iron mans eyes are like head lamps when they glowed white,red,then infrared then the iron man eyes didn't just turn into other colours they could scan things that robots didn't even know about.

  6. The white one means where the red one means am the info - red means I
    So altogether means where am I

  7. I think his eyes turned white before he saw the sea,when he saw the sea his eyes turned red because he has never seen the sea. Maybe his eyes turned infra-red because he was scanning the sea.

  8. The colours mean he is scanning scanning for food or humans

  9. I think this is for the purposely he's never seen anything before like in the story he never seen the sea before and his eyes turned infra-red so think the colours is for his emotions and what he has never seen before in his planet so it means that he has no sea In his planet.

  10. I think this colours that keep on changing on iron mans eyes I think he is checking the sea with his eyes because he never saw the sea.

  11. I think he's eyes is going red the infra-red because he can see the sea Clear

  12. I think his eye are turning different couloir because he is trying to tell the humans some thing is going wrong or he's changing couloir because he's trying to talk to his family.

  13. I think the colours are glowing diffrent because there is some thing saying danger!!! Inside of him and he is thinking that he is falling apart

  14. I think his eye were full of colours because there was some thing saying
    Danger!!! Inside of him And he falt that he's all reddy fulling apart so he jumped

  15. I think his eyes Change those curlers because red is for looking up. And blue is for looking down.

  16. I predict that the iron man's eyes glow because he wants to tell us something.Maybe the white means wait and red means danger ahead infa - red means "I have to do something".

  17. I think when his eyes are red his angry also when his eyes are white he is thinking about something

  18. I THINK THE Iron robot is also thinking and searching because he never saw the sea before and he don't no wat will happen he just do not want to be alon

  19. His eyes mean that what he can see of the coulour he wants to change is the cohlor he knows something that he neuer seen befoklikr in the story he bas neuer seen the see and this talk bcaming heigh
