Saturday, 14 March 2015

Shadow play

Here are shadows of some 3D shapes.
What shapes could they be?
Think about what 2d shapes you can see and how that might help identify the 3d shape. 
Is there only one possible 3d shape for each?


  1. I can see a sphere and in a 2d shape it is called a circle .
    2.i can see a cube and in a 2d shape it is called a square .
    3. I can see a triangle based pyramid in a 2d shape it is called a triangle
    4. I can see a cuboid and in a 2d shape it is called a rectangle

  2. It could be a spear or a cube or a cubit

    1. The circle could be another 3d shape Olumayokun. Can you think of which one?

  3. I can see a triangle and I can identify it as a triangular prism base and a circle as a sphere and the square would be a cube and a rectangle will be a cube.

  4. The first one is a sphere
    The second one is a cube
    The third one is a square based pyramid
    The last one is a cuboid

  5. What other shape could the first shadow be Edem?

  6. The first one is a sphere
    The next one is a cube
    Then the aver one is a pyramid
    The final is cuboid

  7. The first one is a sphere.
    The second one is a cube.
    The third one is a pyramid.
    The fourth one is a cuboid.
